Using Remote Access VPN

Remote Access VPN connection to VPC or Guest Network to access Instances and applications. This section considers you have enabled Remote access VPN, refer to: Remote Access VPN.

When connected to a VPC via VPN, the client have access to all Network Tiers.

Following information is required to confiture VPN client:

  • Public IP: source NAT with VPN enabled.

  • IPsec pre-shared key: Provide at the VPN activation.

  • Username VPN account username.

  • Password VPN account password.


Mac OSX provide native IPsec VPN client.

  1. Into System Preferences -> Network

  2. Click “+” button and add a VPN:

    • Interface: VPN

    • VPN Type: L2TP over IPSec

    • Service Name: (ex: test-vpc1)

  3. Configure L2TP over IPsec

    ../../_images/osxvpn_form1.png ../../_images/osxvpn_form2.png
  4. Inside Authentication Settings…

  5. Connect into VPN

    1. Click Apply to apply Network configuration changes.

    2. Click Connect to initiate VPN connection.


Microsoft Windows 8

Following instruction have been perform using Windows 8.1 using Native VPN client.

  1. Create network VPN connection

    ../../_images/win1.png ../../_images/win2.png ../../_images/win3.png ../../_images/win4.png ../../_images/win5.png ../../_images/win6.png
  2. Configure VPN settings

    ../../_images/win7.png ../../_images/win8.png ../../_images/win9.png ../../_images/win10.png ../../_images/win11.png
  3. Initiate VPN connection

    ../../_images/win12.png ../../_images/win13.png ../../_images/win14.png