What’s New in
Apache CloudStack is the initial 4.19 LTS release. It has over 300 fixes and features since the release.
The full list of fixes and improvements can be found in the project release notes at https://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/en/
What’s in since
Apache CloudStack is the initial 4.19 LTS release with 300+ new features, improvements and bug fixes since 4.18, including 26 major new features. Some of the highlights include:
CloudStack Object Storage Feature
VMware to KVM Migration
KVM Import
CloudStack DRS
OAuth2 Authentication
VNF Appliances Support
CloudStack DRS
CloudStack Snapshot Copy
Scheduled Instance Lifecycle Operations
Guest OS Management
Pure Flash Array and HPE-Primera Support
User-specified source NAT
Storage Browser
Safe CloudStack Shutdown
New CloudStack Dashboard
Domain migration
Flexible tags for hosts and storage pools
Support for Userdata in Autoscale Groups
KVM Host HA for StorPool storage
Dynamic secondary storage selection
Domain VPCs
Global ACL for VPCs
The full list of new features can be found in the project release notes at https://docs.cloudstack.apache.org/en/
Possible Issue with volume snapshot revert with KVM
Between versions 4.17.x, 4.18.0 and 4.18.1, KVM volume snapshot backups were not full snapshots and they rely on the primary storage as a backing store. To prevent any loss of data, care must be taken during revert operation and it must be ensured that the source primary storage snapshot file is present if the snapshot is created with any of these CloudStack versions.
Users will have a backing store in their volume snapshots in the following cases:
the snapshots are from a ROOT volume created from template;
Users will not have a backing store in their volume snapshots in the following cases:
the snapshots are from ROOT volumes created with ISO;
the snapshots are from DATADISK volumes;
Following there are two queries to help users identify snapshots with a backing store:
Identify snapshots that were not removed yet and were created from a volume that was created from a template:
SELECT s.uuid AS "Snapshot ID",
s.name AS "Snapshot Name",
s.created AS "Snapshot creation datetime",
img_s.uuid AS "Sec Storage ID",
img_s.name AS "Sec Storage Name",
ssr.install_path AS "Snapshot path on Sec Storage",
v.uuid AS "Volume ID",
v.name AS "Volume Name"
FROM cloud.snapshots s
INNER JOIN cloud.volumes v ON (v.id = s.volume_id)
INNER JOIN cloud.snapshot_store_ref ssr ON (ssr.snapshot_id = s.id
AND ssr.store_role = 'Image')
INNER JOIN cloud.image_store img_s ON (img_s.id = ssr.store_id)
WHERE s.removed IS NULL
AND v.template_id IS NOT NULL;
With that, one can use qemu-img info in the snapshot file to check if they have a backing store.
For those snapshots that have a backing store, one can use the following query to check which template is it and in which storage pool it is:
SELECT vt.uuid AS "Template ID",
vt.name AS "Template Name",
tsr.install_path AS "Template file on Pri Storage",
sp.uuid AS "Pri Storage ID",
sp.name AS "Pri Storage Name",
sp.`path` AS "Pri Storage Path",
sp.pool_type as "Pri Storage type"
FROM cloud.template_spool_ref tsr
INNER JOIN cloud.storage_pool sp ON (sp.id = tsr.pool_id AND sp.removed IS NULL)
INNER JOIN cloud.vm_template vt ON (vt.id = tsr.template_id)
WHERE tsr.install_path = "<template file in the snapshot backing store>";
After identifying the snapshots with a backing store and the related templates, one can mount the secondary storage on a host that has access to the template and use qemu-img convert on the snapshot to consolidate it:
qemu-img convert -O qcow2 -U --image-opts driver=qcow2,file.filename=<path to snapshot on secondary storage> <path to snapshot on secondary storage>-converted
Issue regarding LDAP authentication on version 4.19.0
In version 4.19.0, the encryption of scoped configurations of Accounts and Domains was changed to only encrypt if there were sensitive data (e.g, they belonged to the Hidden or Secure category) as all configurations for Accounts and Domains were encrypted in previous versions. However, when using the encrypted values from these scopes, ACS did not correctly decrypt these values. For this reason, a simple solution was to update these configurations to their plain values with manual DB intervention, as reported in issue #8637.
This issue has been fixed in Apache CloudStack However, for users that manually set the configurations ldap.bind.password
and ldap.truststore.password
to a plain value in order to fix the faulty behaviour, it is required to store them encrypted after upgrading to version 4.19.1 and onwards. It will not be possible to update the configuration via UI, as an exception will be thrown when ACS tries to decrypt the plain value. To fix this, it is required to set the password again for ACS to encrypt it. There are two options:
Manually set the configuration via CloudMonkey, for example
update configuration domainid=<domain-uuid> name="ldap.bind.password" value="password"
;Or, removing the defined configuration through the database via the query
DELETE from cloud.domain_details WHERE name like "%ldap%password%"
, and setting the configuration via UI for the affected domains.
After updating these configurations, LDAP authentication should be working as expected.